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Empowerment - Creativity - Inclusivity


BRAVO VICTOR completes project exploring UK music industry accessibility for professionals with V.I.

The Blind to the Facts 2024 project, funded by Vision Foundation, is now complete. Delivered by BRAVO VICTOR’S Senior Scientist, Dr Claire Castle, on behalf of Baluji Music Foundation (BMF), the project used survey and interview methods to explore the experience of professionals and aspiring professionals with V.I. in relation to the UK music industry. It also explored the experiences and views of employers and other stakeholders working in the industry, including those working towards ensuring access and inclusion for individuals with V.I. and other disabilities. Findings indicated some progress in access and inclusion since the original Blind to the Facts survey run in 1995, particularly with regards to technology, and changing attitudes and policy. However, significant barriers remain, relating to travel and transport for work, accessing information and opportunities, gaining professional representation and agents, and accessing workplaces such as venues. Both open and invisible discrimination continue to curtail opportunities in the industry for people with V.I. Speaking about the project, Claire reflected:

This has been such an important project, for musical professionals with V.I., people who might be looking to the industry for future work, and those working in the industry who can offer opportunities and ensure access to people with V.I. In some cases, It is a lack of understanding that creates a barrier to opportunities. By laying out the evidence, we’ve provided a comprehensive view of the types of difficulties that people with V.I. face, and how these can be addressed in the future. Findings are of importance to the entire sight loss sector, as well as those working in music. Many barriers identified in the research apply to all aspects of life and different types of industry, so I hope that everyone who comes across the project takes time to reflect on what the findings might mean for them in terms of attitudes, working practices, and policy.

The project report can be found at Baluji Music Foundation | Sharing the Joy of Music.

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